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  • Writer's pictureAngel Montfort

5 Signs You Should Get a Second Opinion

Physicians are trained healthcare professionals, but they are also just people like you and I. No one is perfect and sometimes the practice of medicine is not an exact science. Here are some telltale signs that you should consider getting a second opinion.

1. Your doctor does not make eye contact with you. This may seem insignificant; however, it displays care and common courtesy. Feeling connected and comfortable with your provider is important, and this is quite difficult when he or she does not even look at you.

2. Your doctor discourages you or becomes defensive when you mention considering a second opinion; huge red flag. If your provider has your best interests at heart and is practicing ethically, he or she will encourage you to get a second opinion.

3. You get a bad feeling around your doctor. Trust you gut sometimes, and use it to guide you in asking more questions and gathering more information.

4. You have been diagnosed with a serious or life threatening diagnosis. This has nothing to do with your healthcare provider, and more to do with the seriousness of the illness. Before you make a series of life changing choices it may be beneficial to get a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis. This doesn't mean you shouldn't take steps to threat the illness, but you should take steps to make sure the diagnosis is accurate.

It is ALWAYS okay to seek a second opinion or to change providers. You are the best health advocate you can ever have, as you know your history and your internal experience better than anyone. I recommend bringing a notepad to ensure that you ask all pertinent questions and to jot down any important information shared by your doctor. When encountering a significant medical procedure or noticing any of the factors listed above, it is a sound idea to seek a second opinion. Although your current provider may be competent or in high demand, it is important for you to feel comfortable and confident in your medical provider and if that means transferring to another provider, go for it.


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